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June 2024

  • Doctor Who: Rogue | Initial Thoughts and review!

    Doctor Who: Rogue | Initial Thoughts and review!

    This was episode 6 of the latest episode in doctor who, based in 1813, where it is similar to another classic show broadcasted on BBC, Bridgerton. This post contains SPOILERS so to view the post click the SHOW link below or click: HERE to watch the episode on BBC iPlayer. We start off the…

  • Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble | Initial Thoughts!

    Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble | Initial Thoughts!

    This episode is number 5 in the new “Season 1” of Doctor who entitled: Dot and Bubble where people live in there own social bubbles and work 2 hours a day and party the rest of the time. Watch the episode on: BBC iPlayerClick the “Show” link to view my review and initial thoughts.…