The following post is of the latest episode of Doctor Who: 73 Yards where a woman is 73 yards from Ruby, If you want to view the full post click “Show” below! – Of Course this does contain spoilers.
Watch the episode on: BBC IPLAYER

The episode starts with a cold open were the doctor and ruby land in Wales.. the doctor then goes missing were a mysterious black figure following in random locations with Glyn Gatwick and comes across a women who is hiking as she is being followed. it then starts snowing in the area as the lady screams..
The Tardis refuses to open.. even with the key to the Tardis.
There was no doctor who main titles until the end credits.
The entrance to this episode is shocking and feels weird and strange.. the doctor has gone missing, which ruby tries to find him.. This episode is strange and feels very weird. Ruby heads to a pub in which the locals make fun telling a ghost/witch story and is asked to leave the area, in which the black figure follows her all the way home to her mum and nan.
The Doctor Disappears during the words on the scrolls in the fairy circle:
The Doctor Disappears during the words on the scrolls in the fairy circle:
I Miss You, Rest in Peace Mad Jack

Ruby then heads to London where she tells her mum all about the woman, and now the Missing Doctor in this episode, in which she points to the mysterious woman who is still 73 yards away from ruby where her mum then goes to talk to the woman.

Mrs Flood is then seen coming out of her house, during this ruby watches as her mum turns around and then leaves the area abandoning her. – Current feelings of the episode are emotionally draining, then ask her to leave the area and changes the locks not giving her a way home.
Kate Lethbridge Stewart from UNIT. (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce), then finds ruby. Ruby explains to Kate that she is the same distance of 73 yards away from ruby, during the interview she asks all of the members to engage on the woman however after being told something she then asks them all to disengage and leave without saying a word.

There is then a sequence where ruby ages, and is then reminded about Mad Jack, and Roger Ap Gwilliam that the doctor said in a flash back. She then knows what she is meant to-do and save the world, now Roger was going to attempt to get the nuclear codes and get the United Kingdom to leave NATO.

When she is informed he will be given the nuclear codes on a football stadium she then knows what to-do which is to get Roger to resign in which she steps onto the grass, where she was told not to and steps 73 yards from the stage. This allows the mysterious woman to be heard by Roger, following this he is then seen running out of the stadium resigning.
While this is all happening, I can only ask myself “What”, “What is happening” while still trying to get my head around the episode.. it felt out of place.. more of a horror.. than any normal doctor who episodes..
We then return to Ruby who ages and is then seen on her death bed, where the 73 yard woman, gets closer as she holds her arms out, she is heard passing away before being taken back to the tree as the mysterious woman, which distracts ruby long enough to stop the doctor from treading on the fairy circle.

Following the end of the episode I was left feeling perplexed, confused.. strange and didn’t exactly know how to feel.. I don’t think this episode actually hit its mark, and feel that the episode could have been changed, how.. I don’t know but it just didn’t feel right.
— BBC 3: Doctor Who Unleashed thoughts post the episode.

The filming started in December 2022.. this was due to Millie/Ruby being the only main actor available for the episode, while Ncuti Gatwa was not available as he was still filming other tv shows at the time.

The train scene was only shot 2 stations on a train between Paddington, which they had 90 seconds to get 2 full departments onto the train, them film the episode and 90 seconds to get off.
They had to find the right distance, and 73 yards away from her. The words said by the mysterious woman that was 73 words away has not been disclosed.
12 Different locations have been used in the episode, the episode was shot in 2022, however the pub which was shot at the beginning was closed for a week. Of course this had to be kept quiet during the episode.
The Monster of this episode was Roger Ap Gwilliam he was attracted to Nuclear war and wished to have the codes to the nuclear weapons and leave the United Nations.
The mysterious women was saying in her head: “Bless You, Thank you so much, That was so kind of you, however am I going to thank you”, however this was not the official words being said by the character.
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