An episode written by Stefan Mofat, which is an emotional roller coaster! (Click show below for the full review).
[spoiler]The latest episode by Stefan mofat is a shocker of emotions from shock, to upsetting to crazyness!
The episode starts with a war going on which includes Mundy Flyn a soilder of war, Splice a young daughter The episode was recorded in March 2023.
We then go into the normal titles before Ruby and The Doctor leave the tardis to a war zone on Kastarian 3 in which he hears someone scream from the distance, as he heads off in the distance he steps onto a land mine, then head directly into the titles.
The Doctor starts singing a song which allows ruby to find the doctor hovering on one foot with around 5/6 lights not fully lit during the ignition sequence. Ruby is sent to go find something heavy to counter act the weight of his lifted foot, which Ruby is asked to throw the object towards The Doctor in which she refuses and hands the object to The Doctor.

This of course starts the tension of the episode which makes your heart pound but also make you alot more ingrosed. The Best part about this episode is the fact the fourth wall is not broken! – FINALLY!!!
The doctor realises that the landmine will not only blow him up but will also blow up half of the planet if it goes off which he is able to convice mandy. however the “Ambulance” bot places probes in the doctor to find out who he is and whether he is suitable for war. This shot will have a fail safe which will ultimately kill the doctor if it is not stopped. Ruby then takes Mundy’s gun in which she then attempts to shoot Mundy in the arm however is stopped by being shot and fataly wounded before rolling down a hill near to the doctor.. The emotional roller coster in this episode is not only jaw dropping but makes you just want to watch more.

The episode ends with Ruby being revieved by the AI Ambulance that has been re-coded internally by Splice’s Father after finding no proof that there is other life forms on the planet, before re-entering the tardis.
The episode only had 3 major locations from the tardis landing site, the crater where there was a mine and base camp for the soilders but was really captivating and intense throughout.
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