Lets talk Episode 2 which was released on the same day of Devils Chord, Click “Show” below to read the full episode review as it happens when the episode airs.
[spoiler]The epsiode starts off with a school boy having a piano lesson in which he was being played beathoven, but was then introduced to them, “Maestro”
Maestro then proceeds to take the notes out of the music teacher and then breaks the forth wall, and starts playing the doctor who theme tune.
We then return to the tardis with the Doctor and Ruby, in which ruby wants to see the beatles when they record the first album, in 1963, where they land at abbey road studios and cross the famous zebra crossing.

They then watch The Beatles record the first album called: “My Dog”. however each of the songs being played are allout of tune and seems very dreary and depressing and dull.
The beatles explain that the mood is dull and all they want todo is finish there first album and go home.
GEGC, in which he sings: “I Love you so much” where the Mistro is then seen enter the cafe and the devil’s chord is played when a spoon drops on the floor.
All love songs are removed, and happy songs where The Doctor Who and Ruby where he goes to the roof top and sees the smog over london, while a piano was brought up to the roof top of london where ruby is asked to play a song on a piano the only person in the world who can play music.
During the song being played where “The Giggle” (“Toy Maker”) aka “Maestro” came out of the piano where Mistro tries to find The Doctor and Ruby.
The doctor brings out his sonic screw driver in which he is able to silence the whole place via his sonic screw driver which has a very bright light coming from it.

The visual effects of the episode are crazy, the tune. There is also References back to The Toy Maker where the Doctor was ripped apart. The doctor explains he is unable to fight this monster.

The Maestro is able to mess with the tardis through the music, and explains that every song that is not played makes her stronger, they return back to 1963 where Maestro is met in abbey road studio where Ruby is captured by mistro and a song is played that is from her past.
Maestro is then challenged to a battle with the doctor where The Doctor is playing a piano and Maestro is playing a guitar, which she looses the guitar as it breaks. The Doctor then finds all the notes except one to banish the Maestro.
One of The Beatles is then able to find the piano in the hallway with the chord still showing except one note, while The doctor is stuck in a drum and ruby is in a chello which saves the day with Maestro being banished and returned to the Piano while ending with “The One Who Waits is almost hear”.
The smog is then released and music is now being placed.
The doctor then breaks the forth wall and saying: There is always a twist at the end which breaks alot of people into song.
The ending seems very weird with everyone dancing and singing, the school boy is then brought back before The Doctor and Ruby dance on the zebrea crossing, I am not entirely sure if i found this in keeping with the current doctor who.
Overall the episode is really good and enjoyable and it felt like they were continuing the story arch of The Toy Maker. It was a good episode with alot of flash backs back to the past. I just was not happy with the ending in the musical exit. (This post contains episode spoilers click the show link to view the full review).
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